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Evaluation of the Impacts of the Climate Changes on the Hydrological Network of the Kouilou-Niari Basin in the South-West of Congo Brazzaville

Received: 6 June 2018     Accepted: 31 July 2018     Published: 22 August 2018
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The study of the rainfall-runoff relation on annual and monthly scales is based on the hydrological data measured in various stations of the Kouilou-Niari basin. The parameters of the rainfall-runoff modeling were obtained with satisfaction by today’s standards of quality. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impacts of the climate changes on the water resources of the catchment area of Kouilou-Niari using hydrological modeling. With this intention, a sample of twelvestations was selected on a hydrological cycle of more than thirty years (1952-1982). The results obtained show that the variations of the flows follow those of precipitation: reduction in N’douo zone and Niarizone and increase in Kouilou zone. These stations present a bimodal mode, with a double maximum during the rainyseasons (MAM and OND). Season (MAM) is themost rainy and season (JJAS) is the least rainy in all the stations. The relation between rainfalls and runoffs is satisfactory, because the hydrological mode models itselfonprecipitation one. The flows of the basin are rising, with anaveragestreamflow of 445 m3/sincluded between a minimum of 86.2 m3/s and a maximum of 930.4 m3/s for respective specific modules of 16.91 and 23.73 l.s-1/km2. The return periods of the floods are estimated of 5, 10 and 50 years for respective streamflows of 2470, 2620 and 2682 m3/s. This particular behavior of the basin finds its reasons not only in the pluviometric mode but also in the physical characteristics (relief, geologyand pedology). The Kecoefficient of flow is 42.9% and the seasonal variation K3 is 13.3 atSounda station.

Published in Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science (Volume 7, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.wros.20180703.12
Page(s) 28-41
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2018. Published by Science Publishing Group


Kouilou-Niari Basin, Climate Change, Hydrological Network, Hydrological Data

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  • APA Style

    Christian Ngoma Mvoundou, Christian Tathy, Dominique Nkounkou Tomodiatounga, Raymond Gentil Elenga, Guy Moukandi Nkaya, et al. (2018). Evaluation of the Impacts of the Climate Changes on the Hydrological Network of the Kouilou-Niari Basin in the South-West of Congo Brazzaville. Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science, 7(3), 28-41. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.wros.20180703.12

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    ACS Style

    Christian Ngoma Mvoundou; Christian Tathy; Dominique Nkounkou Tomodiatounga; Raymond Gentil Elenga; Guy Moukandi Nkaya, et al. Evaluation of the Impacts of the Climate Changes on the Hydrological Network of the Kouilou-Niari Basin in the South-West of Congo Brazzaville. J. Water Resour. Ocean Sci. 2018, 7(3), 28-41. doi: 10.11648/j.wros.20180703.12

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    AMA Style

    Christian Ngoma Mvoundou, Christian Tathy, Dominique Nkounkou Tomodiatounga, Raymond Gentil Elenga, Guy Moukandi Nkaya, et al. Evaluation of the Impacts of the Climate Changes on the Hydrological Network of the Kouilou-Niari Basin in the South-West of Congo Brazzaville. J Water Resour Ocean Sci. 2018;7(3):28-41. doi: 10.11648/j.wros.20180703.12

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      title = {Evaluation of the Impacts of the Climate Changes on the Hydrological Network of the Kouilou-Niari Basin in the South-West of Congo Brazzaville},
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      abstract = {The study of the rainfall-runoff relation on annual and monthly scales is based on the hydrological data measured in various stations of the Kouilou-Niari basin. The parameters of the rainfall-runoff modeling were obtained with satisfaction by today’s standards of quality. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impacts of the climate changes on the water resources of the catchment area of Kouilou-Niari using hydrological modeling. With this intention, a sample of twelvestations was selected on a hydrological cycle of more than thirty years (1952-1982). The results obtained show that the variations of the flows follow those of precipitation: reduction in N’douo zone and Niarizone and increase in Kouilou zone. These stations present a bimodal mode, with a double maximum during the rainyseasons (MAM and OND). Season (MAM) is themost rainy and season (JJAS) is the least rainy in all the stations. The relation between rainfalls and runoffs is satisfactory, because the hydrological mode models itselfonprecipitation one. The flows of the basin are rising, with anaveragestreamflow of 445 m3/sincluded between a minimum of 86.2 m3/s and a maximum of 930.4 m3/s for respective specific modules of 16.91 and 23.73 l.s-1/km2. The return periods of the floods are estimated of 5, 10 and 50 years for respective streamflows of 2470, 2620 and 2682 m3/s. This particular behavior of the basin finds its reasons not only in the pluviometric mode but also in the physical characteristics (relief, geologyand pedology). The Kecoefficient of flow is 42.9% and the seasonal variation K3 is 13.3 atSounda station.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Evaluation of the Impacts of the Climate Changes on the Hydrological Network of the Kouilou-Niari Basin in the South-West of Congo Brazzaville
    AU  - Christian Ngoma Mvoundou
    AU  - Christian Tathy
    AU  - Dominique Nkounkou Tomodiatounga
    AU  - Raymond Gentil Elenga
    AU  - Guy Moukandi Nkaya
    AU  - Bernard Mabiala
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    AB  - The study of the rainfall-runoff relation on annual and monthly scales is based on the hydrological data measured in various stations of the Kouilou-Niari basin. The parameters of the rainfall-runoff modeling were obtained with satisfaction by today’s standards of quality. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impacts of the climate changes on the water resources of the catchment area of Kouilou-Niari using hydrological modeling. With this intention, a sample of twelvestations was selected on a hydrological cycle of more than thirty years (1952-1982). The results obtained show that the variations of the flows follow those of precipitation: reduction in N’douo zone and Niarizone and increase in Kouilou zone. These stations present a bimodal mode, with a double maximum during the rainyseasons (MAM and OND). Season (MAM) is themost rainy and season (JJAS) is the least rainy in all the stations. The relation between rainfalls and runoffs is satisfactory, because the hydrological mode models itselfonprecipitation one. The flows of the basin are rising, with anaveragestreamflow of 445 m3/sincluded between a minimum of 86.2 m3/s and a maximum of 930.4 m3/s for respective specific modules of 16.91 and 23.73 l.s-1/km2. The return periods of the floods are estimated of 5, 10 and 50 years for respective streamflows of 2470, 2620 and 2682 m3/s. This particular behavior of the basin finds its reasons not only in the pluviometric mode but also in the physical characteristics (relief, geologyand pedology). The Kecoefficient of flow is 42.9% and the seasonal variation K3 is 13.3 atSounda station.
    VL  - 7
    IS  - 3
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Laboratory of Mechanics Energy and Engineering, Higher National Polytechnic School, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo

  • Laboratory of Mechanics Energy and Engineering, Higher National Polytechnic School, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo

  • Laboratory of Mechanics Energy and Engineering, Higher National Polytechnic School, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo

  • Laboratory of Mechanics Energy and Engineering, Higher National Polytechnic School, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo

  • Laboratory of Mechanics Energy and Engineering, Higher National Polytechnic School, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo

  • Laboratory of Mechanics Energy and Engineering, Higher National Polytechnic School, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo

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